We managed to squeeze in all of our scheduled sightseeing earlier than planned yesterday which meant we had some free time before we had to leave for the port. Rather than getting a longer lay in we decided to check out another tourist hotspot instead: the Science Fiction Museum/Experience Music Project. We hadn’t planned to do this originally because we were unsure whether what was on offer would be worth it, but we changed our minds when faced with nothing to do and a $3 off coupon!
Although Science Fiction and Music may seem like strange bedfellows both parts offered some interesting artefacts to uncover. We headed into geekdom first with the Sci-Fi side of things and turns out we should have scheduled this place in from the beginning. Nerd paradise! My favourite thing was the ‘Tree of Life’ from the movie ‘The Fountain’, it just looked so mystical. Of course I nearly knocked the damn thing over when I leaned against it. Oops, I thought it was bolted to the floor!
Joe had a huge fascination with an incredible Star Wars toy collection and Kevin Costner was following us around again with props from Waterworld. Dry land is not a myth!
Over on the other side of the building it was time to channel our inner EMO kid while learning all about the Seattle grunge scene. Sadly the 90’s have passed and nobody will be quite as authentic as Nirvana ever again. Rather than dwell we went even more retro with a walk through their cool Jimi Hendrix exhibit. Nothing beats the 60’s for guys in skin-tight lycra!
Lycra aside, things had gotten a little manly for my tastes so I was excited when we got to the top floor and discovered The Supremes Exhibit. The 60’s & 70’s fashion was to die for, in fact I nearly stole a white beaded dress right off the mannequin!
With pop culture dealt with for the day it was time to begin our voyage to Alaska. Arriving at the port, we boarded pretty easily which was surprising considering the amount of old people going through security. Have you ever got stuck behind an old person at an airport? It’s excruciating! (Just kidding, I love old people. Just today my mum told me she’d been reading my nan the blog over the phone! Ah bless. Missing ya, nan!) But it has become clear we are not in the typical ‘cruising age’ range and therefore we’re expecting life onboard to be pretty peaceful.
Our room on the ship is really nice and bigger than we were expecting, so we won’t go stir crazy in cramped quarters. It seems like most people on the boat have been on cruises before, so we’re the newbies and I think it shows. We’re not really sure what we should be doing. Plus we’re used to paying for things, so just going up and taking food for free whenever we want it is a foreign concept to us. Hopefully we’ll get the hang of it quickly – but not too quickly. Our waistbands only go so far.Despite the various things on offer to entertain us tonight, we chose laundry over showtunes and even the promise of DJ Alex getting the party started up in the Crow’s Nest is not as appealing as an early night. Huh, maybe we’re going to fit in with the 55+ club after all…
P.S. The food…Holy cow! You really can officially presume they’ll be rolling us off the ship by the end of the week!
So, until tomorrow…
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