A little more satisfying was the Avenue of the Giants. We’d been nicely introduced to the massive redwoods of California yesterday, but today we got more time to play in the trees.
The Avenue is a lot of fun and I wish we’d had longer to explore as we didn’t get to see some of the more well-known landmarks on the scenic drive. It was such a contrast to some of the roads we’ve been on lately. Instead of seeing for miles and miles, here the trees tower over you blocking out the sun.
Our last stop of the day, and the reason for our rushing, was the Charles M. Schultz Museum. We arrived at 4.15 with only 45 minutes to spare. Unfortunately this was our only chance to go as they’re not open Tuesdays, so we had to fly through the exhibits.
As you can probably guess from the pictures, Charles M. Schultz was the creator of the cartoon strip ‘Peanuts’. Seeing as I have my very own Charlie Brown - who at one time happened to live on the same street in St. Paul that Schultz had lived on - it was a perfect stop for us!
It was interesting to find out there was an actual Charlie Brown and that all the names in the strip were taken from real friends. ‘Peanuts’ actually debuted in the St. Paul Pioneer Press in 1950, but back then it was called ‘Lil’ Folks’ and it turns out Schultz never even liked the name Peanuts – a title change forced upon him when the cartoon was picked up in newspapers nationally. I would have found that last fact sad, until I discovered he made 1.1 billion dollars during his lifetime from it…surely that softened the creative blow a little?
So, until tomorrow…
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